Tweet's To Kill Yourself By Laughter To
half and half and half = A type of coffee so diluted by sugar, cream or milk that it no longer tastes like coffee.tanorexia = A disease like anorexia, no matter how tan a person is they never think they are tan enough. AKA an Oompa Loompa
nomonym = When you eat something and it tastes exactly like something else.
Dweet = tweeting while intoxicated. Otherwise know as drunken tweeting.
Vatican Roulette = Another name for the rhythm method of birth control.
Social Terrorism = When someone you know comes to visit unexpectedly and inconveniently, often staying for a long time.
Masturdating = Going out for an evening by yourself. IE: dinner at a restaurant, a movie, mini-golf, etc.
Alltheist = A person who tries to claim ties to every religion out of fear of picking the "wrong" one.
It'll make a terd = A phrase used when a meal or dinner you just had was less than desirable.
food baby = When you eat so much at one sitting you look pregnant.
heteroflexible = Being straight by nature but going gay when it seems like the best option at the time.
What the actual fuck? = Expression of surprise or confusion used when what the fuck is insufficient to convey the magnitude of the situation
You made a whole post out of my tweets from last night. I feel special. Your blog looks great. You should stop by and see mine sometime if you haven't already.